School will be out soon and we’re ushering in Summer fun, but it’s no time to neglect your teeth and gums. With all the backyard BBQ’s, weddings, graduations, pool parties and more – keep these five tips in mind so your teeth shine white in the sun.
- Make sure you are using a soft toothbrush, or an electronic brush with soft bristles to avoid damaging tooth enamel.
- Drink water after every meal to rinse out the mouth and neutralize any acidic or sugary foods that were eaten.
- Have a small piece of cheese in the evening after you have finished eating. Studies have shown that eating cheese at the end of a meal reduces the chance for tooth decay.
- Begin a flossing routine! Even if this means starting with once a week – it’s a start! Build on that.
- If you are a senior, use a mouth wash that contains fluoride. It helps prevent root decay and other decay. Many common medications cause dry mouth or saliva reduction, which can lead to cavities in seniors.